Reverend Nariaki R. Hayashi

It is a pleasure to introduce myself to all of you as a minister of Ekoji Buddhist Temple. My name is Nariaki Rajan Hayashi and I came from Kyoto, Japan as a minister for the Ekoji Buddhist Temple to share and spread Shinran Shonin's; the founder of our tradition, Shin Buddhism teaching here in America.
I was born in Hawaii, so I guess that makes me a Nisei; the second generation. I moved back to Japan when I was 12.
I come from a temple family with roots in Kagoshima, Japan.
After my graduation of Kansai International Language University, my first job was working in the hotel business as a salesman for over 5 years. The hotel business was a wonderful job, and proved to be a challenging career. However, while working so hard to achieve good results at sales, there was always a feeling of emptiness in my personal time. The more I succeeded, the more I sacrificed, spending more and more time at work. I quickly found out that, yes, the Japanese do work too hard.
Reflecting on this experience and what I was going through, I came to realize that the teaching of Shin Buddhism gave me an opportunity to pause and consider what life is. At the same time, it helped to fill the emptiness in my heart. Thus, from this experience, I believe that the teaching will guide me, and hopefully all of you who has not still encounter to our tradition, to a greater journey and meaningful life.
The wonderful teaching which Shinran Shonin left for us has and continues to be propagated over many generations. Truly, the teachings are relevant in this age. I look forward to being part of this propagation effort with the members of new home, the Ekoji Buddhist Temple, and with all of you.