Ekoji By-Laws
The purpose of bylaws for non-profit organizations is to establish the management structure, procedures and dispute resolution processes. This legally binding document serves as an operating manual for the non-profit and is developed by its board of directors. Ekoji’s by-laws were last updated in 2016.
Click Here to download the Ekoji Bylaws, last updated July 2020 https://wp.me/a7zz6D-36Z
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is charged with managing, determines the operations and carries out the affairs of Ekoji. No director receives any pay for serving as a member.
President: Andrea Chapman
Vice President: Frank Swithers
Secretary: Tom Cray
Treasurer: Maya Horio
Member at Large: Pilar Uelmen and Roger Scott
Trustees: Jane Blechman and Rich Wolford
BDK Honorary Rep: Mr. Mikio Yamashita
Board Minutes: The Board meets monthly and is open to all who wish to attend. A summary of the most recent minutes is published in the Kalavinka.
How do we pay our bills? Our income comes from yearly membership pledges, service dana bowl giving, funeral/memorial/wedding services, Obon festival, Wisteria Lane bookstore, sangha hall rentals, solicitation letters and other fundraisers throughout the year.
In addition to the grants and financial support offered by our longstanding benefactor BDK.
Our expenses are as with any organization. We have old facilities to maintain, salaries, electric/heating bills, outdoor maintenance, security contracts, advertising, email/accounting programs, all the things that operate our temple.